The Secret to Greater Success is Just a Leap Away

Posted by on Mar 13, 2013 in Featured | 0 comments

Leap Forward“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.” - Bob Nardelli, former CEO of Home Depot.

In today’s global marketplace, leading organizations is difficult work. As an organizational executive, you’re ideally positioned to be a change-maker, to be a leader who drives results in the face of complexity, change and diversity. You are on the front lines, constantly watched and continuously scanned for authenticity and trustworthiness. Your actions are magnified and your behavior is continually judged by the people around you, making your role rewarding yet stressful.

Leaders are incredibly passionate about their work. They tend to work extremely long hours over long periods, with no breaks, no vacation or weekends off. They push themselves beyond the limits to meet the goals of their organization. Many struggle with feelings of frustration, low self-esteem and loneliness. They often trade family for work, negatively impacting their work-life balance and reducing their productivity. And even still, goals often seem distant and out of reach.

When you’re at the top of your organization, how do you transform your career and life so they align with who you are, your potential and your talents? How inspired would you be to achieve? What does it take to succeed in your role? How do you make a quantum leap in your professional and personal life that boosts your performance and helps you create a journey that is successful and fulfilled? Why do some executives succeed more than others?

Executives may seem like winners, but surprisingly enough, for the last 15 years, research shows that new executive failure rates stand at about 40%.  In the vast majority of cases, contrary to what one might think, the reasons for failure have little to do with competence, knowledge and experience. Being a successful executive is primarily about interpersonal skills and leadership styles, your willingness to build the right relationships with other people – with bosses, co-workers and customers.  Certainly within each organization, in its cubicles and inside its meeting rooms and hallways, there are people whose potential has been overlooked and it sits dormant waiting to be developed.

The Benefits of Executive Coaching

Whether you seek to enhance your performance, create difference in the long-term success of an organization, foster growth, stretch your creativity, or acquire new skills for a new role, the right executive coaching program helps leaders and senior managers unlock their potential to:

  • Keep focus “on” the business instead of “ in” the business
  • Work smarter towards the achievement of specific goals for the future growth of their organizations
  • Fully unlock their talents to explore new opportunities, setting breakthrough goals and committing to their achievement
  • Build and sustain a higher emotional intelligence necessary for agile management, leadership and effective communication
  • “Manage up” in an executive role
  • Fast track their career
  • Bring out the best in the people on their team
  • Set new standards of accountability and responsibility

Successful Corporations and Executive Coaching

A Hay Group study of Fortune 500 companies revealed that 21 to 40% engage in executive coaching.  In these cases, it is primarily used as a standard training component for leadership development in top-level executives and promising candidates for future executive leadership positions.  Research shows that corporations that invest in the sustainable success of their employees receive tangible returns.  One such study by MetrixGlobal LLC concluded that for every $1.00 invested in executive coaching, companies (including Booz Allen Hamilton) received an average return of $7.90.

Wayne Calloway, former Chairman at Pepsico Inc. said, “I’ll bet most of the companies that are in life-or-death battles got into that kind of trouble because they didn’t pay enough attention to developing their leaders.”

It’s About the People

Superior performance and greater success for your organization are only a few steps away! Executive coaching helps leaders “LEAP” to new heights in their careers.  It’s not magic – it is a strategic comprehension of what works and what hinders companies from reaching their true potential.  It’s less about the product, service, logo or office space and more about the people who live and breathe the company day in and day out.  And it starts with those at the top.

LEAP Consulting helps new and seasoned leaders become game changers by thinking globally and acting strategically.



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